Tuesday 30 July 2013

Every Basketball Player Has To Start Somewhere

Every Basketball Player Has To Start Somewhere
What should you know about playing basketball? What do you need to become a much better player and to better appreciate the game? In this article we will provide you with some basic information to act as a solid foundation for your basketball performance.

Watching the pros can help you pick up on certain skills for improving your game. Watch some games on TV, view videos of professional games, and go to some games. You'll see that every great player has specific skills that cause them to be great and you have the opportunity to practice what you're watching them do.

Make sure to practice catching passes. When practicing make sure you drill yourself to catch errant throws as well as picture perfect passes. In the heat of the game, not every pass is going to hit the bulls-eye. Be a better teammate by anticipating a bad pass to make sure it doesn't get into the opponents hands.

Building core muscle is key to playing great basketball. This includes their abs, lower back, and hips. The core connects the lower extremities to the upper extremities. Without a strong core, your performance may be limited. A well developed core lets a player generate force with their legs to be applied to faster running and jumping higher.

To properly handle the ball, you have to spread your fingers out. This will help prevent the ball from getting away from you while dribbling. Keep your palm off the ball too. Only use your fingers to dribble, pass or shoot.

Even professional basketball players spend a lot of time watching other people play basketball. You can follow the pros in online videos, on TV and you can also attend a basketball game if there is a pro team in your area. You'll see that every great player has specific skills that cause them to be great and you have the opportunity to practice what you're watching them do.

Do you now know the answers to your questions? Are you prepared to impress one and all with your basketball prowess? This article has given you the information you need to become great at playing basketball. Then it's time to put your skills to practice and really reap the rewards of what you've learned.

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